The purpose of this community consultation is to share emerging plans with local stakeholders in order to identify areas of support and concern in order to inform progression of The Ageas Bowl development proposals.
Traditionally this would be undertaken by physical consultation events with the local community, incorporating display boards and questionnaires, alongside presentations with parish and borough councillors and officers. However, given Covid, we felt that we could engage more widely and safely via online means.
We value your feedback. Please submit any comments or questions by email to contact@ladal.co.uk.
Hampshire County Cricket Club (HCCC) has partnered with LDA to develop under-utilised land with the objectives:-
1. Improve customer experience.
2. Support long term viability.
3. Enhance operational functionality.
Surplus land will be developed to raise funds in order to achieve the above objectives in support of this vital regional community asset and world class sporting venue.


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The Ageas Bowl is the home of Hampshire Cricket, Southern Vipers and Southern Brave. It is a local, national and international asset to the West End and Southampton. Hosting domestic and international cricket the venue has become one of the only two “Covid-safe” stadiums in the UK.
On top of Cricket the Bowl hosts concerts, weddings and business events. The first class 171 bed Hilton Hotel incorporates Beefy’s restaurant and a spa. It truly is a destination and an event space that the city can be proud of.
Every asset has to evolve and change to ensure that it continues to maintain it’s reputation and keep ahead of the competition. Hampshire County Cricket Club needs to ensure that continued investment into the Ageas Bowl maintains it’s reputation for the long-term future and viability of the complex. Covid has affected all aspects of hospitality nationally and the Ageas Bowl is no different. As the country emerges from the pandemic it is the intention of Hampshire County Cricket to implement a comprehensive program of improvements at the bowl to maintain and attract audiences and visitors.
Hampshire County Cricket Club (HCCC) and LDA have spent considerable time looking into the opportunities the Ageas Bowl’s site and facilities present in order to generate the inward investment needed to preserve the long-term future of the site. This exercise has involved consultation with a significant number of stakeholders and resulted in the creation of a development brief that informed the inception of the project and ultimately what is proposed in this exhibition.
The creation of development opportunities on the land surrounding the stadium has been predicated on the principal that each proposal must be sensitive and responsive to the stadium and ultimately result in the improvement of the visitor’s experience.

A new hotel building, independent yet complementing the existing Hilton hotel is proposed. Comprising 135 double bedrooms the facility aims to add to the capacity creating a true conference destination at the Ageas Bowl. The architecture responds in scale and form to the iconic Hilton hotel whilst not directly copying it. Following responses from the design review panel, the siting of this building was moved to improve the visitor arrival experience and respond to the strong design of the stadium and existing hotel.
The proposals include a comprehensive redesign and expansion of the car park to create approximately 945 car spaces. An existing vehicular access off Botley Road will be opened-up to create an ‘arrival boulevard’ focused on the new hotel. This layout aims to create legible pedestrian and vehicular flows and allows for the opening up of the water course feeding into the existing lakes.
Transport solution to substantially increase on-site parking for big match days, thus reducing parking on the roads of the surrounding neighbourhood. This is done by taking all coaches to a new carpark on the other side of the ownership accessed via Charles Watts Way and creating additional car parking there too, plus creating a large new car park to the east of the ground on the area of the golf course freed by creating new golf holes in a golf course redesign which will significantly improve the course and create a bespoke new clubhouse.
This is one of the biggest changes to affect the visitor experience. The Ageas Bowl has access points, but these are functional and don’t add to a sense of excitement and theatre on major event days.
To enhance the match day experience, the design team wanted to focus on the ‘visitor’s journey’. A new arrival space is created at the existing junction with Botley Road that funnels visitors towards a processional pedestrian ramp, which leads up to the stadium fan zone. Circulating around a new fan shop and central square, the ramp rises gently through the tree canopy and over Marshall Drive, and takes the visitor towards the stadium
A new facility that complements the sports and leisure activities at Ageas Bowl is proposed to the northwest of the stadium. The well-being centre is a two-storey structure that nestles into the existing landscape, and acts as an architectural gatehouse to the proposed residential development further into the site. It could accommodate a range of potential health services, such as sports physiotherapy, GP medical consultation rooms, a scanning suite, a pharmacy, opticians, a pilates/ yoga studio, a gymnasium and staff facilities. All fully accessible to all as a community asset linked to the sport and fitness drive from the cricket club.
The proposed residential development to the west of the stadium has been through a number of design iterations following consultation with the council and the design review panel. The current proposal provides a mix of homes units comprising 103 houses and 80 apartments.The design reflects the progression of the site from the stadium edge to the boundaries of Telegraph Woods, with apartment buildings being located near the stadium and houses located behind.
A legible hierarchy of main streets, secondary streets and pedestrian routes through the site, creates an opportunity to provide different public spaces (such as greens and squares), that help with place making. The scheme responds to existing topography, with the taller buildings being arranged towards the stadium, and a more organic and less dense layout towards the woods. Connectivity from the new homes via Telegraph Woods to West End will be enhanced.
A high-quality independent living facility is proposed to the southwest of the stadium, on a previously developed site. This building will house 71 ensuite units and responds directly to the site landscape, topography, the stadium and the proposed new southern gateway processional space. The building retains and enhances the setting of an existing mature monkey puzzle tree and creates a terraced garden to the rear for the enjoyment of residents. The curved form echoes the curved edge of the stadium and is reflected in the architectural treatment.
A new public space is proposed to the south of the stadium. This area connects the existing southern gateway to the stadium and the golf course, and beyond to the overflow car park. It is intended that this space will celebrate the transition of stadium visitors at large events that will be held no more than twelve times a year. The existing pavilion buildings that are no longer fit for purpose will be utilised as concessions for those occasions. The space will house public art and be a positive landscaped environment, that addresses the practice pitch to the east, connects into Telegraph Woods and successfully frames and reinforces the qualities of the proposed independent living building to the west.
A brand-new pavilion building is proposed to the south of the stadium, sitting directly between the main stadium pitch and the practice pitch on the fan zone area. It is proposed to reconfigure the space under the pavilion to provide new access, changing and shower facilities where the grounds maintenance area currently resides. The removal of maintenance vehicles from this area also addresses potential conflicts between these and players migrating from one pitch to the other. The maintenance facility will be relocated to a new space under an extended fan zone that provides a dedicated, larger and more usable space. The hover cover will also be rehoused in an more appropriate location.
Established in 1863 Hampshire County Cricket Club (HCCC) has a long history within the sport and the locality. Originally located at The County Ground in Southampton it was deemed that the facility could no longer cope with the demands of a modern cricket club. Land was identified in the West End and work commenced on The Rose Bowl in 1997, completing in time for the 2001 season.
The Rose Bowl, now The Ageas Bowl has constantly developed and evolved since its inception. In 2008 additional stands were built to increase capacity and other works undertaken to facilitate the hosting international cricket. The Hilton Hotel and integrated media centre was added in 2015. Eastleigh Borough Council currently owns the lease on the stadium and HCCC has worked closely with the council throughout this project.
LDA is an investment, real estate and property development consultancy operating across the UK. LDA specialises in the sustainable enablement of development land across both public and private sectors.
In partnership with Hampshire County Cricket Club, LDA has developed a strategic long term vision to create an enhanced customer experience and improve operation of The Ageas Bowl. It’s envisaged that plans may include new pavilion and maintenance areas, significant additional onsite managed car-parking, a statement spectator arrival zone and processional walkway, a 135 bedroom hotel and conference facility to accommodate interaction conferences in conjunction with the existing Hilton Hotel, a multifunctional community Health & Wellbeing Centre, plus a beautiful bespoke golf clubhouse.
To the West of the site, to fund the described improvements, we propose a new environmentally focussed, landscape led sustainable residential community, providing a range of new homes for first time purchasers to family housing and senior independent living.
LDA has over 20 years experience in the design, implementation and delivery of housing led regeneration and we have selected, appointed and manage a grade A professional team to assist with delivery of this fantastic proposal to enhance The Ageas Bowl and a world class sporting venue.
Boyer is a multi-disciplinary practice, which specialises in planning large residential, commercial and mixed-use developments. It’s experienced planning consultancy team has been a lead in this project from the start. With close connections to the area and a very successful working relationship with Eastleigh Borough Council, the team recognise and know what issues are critical to the locale. Boyer has been engaged in preapplication discussions with the council’s planning department, which has allowed the project to be designed with the input of senior planning officers and other specialists.
Calderpeel Architects have worked closely with LDA previously delivering projects in Manchester and Poole. With a track record in the delivery of a large range of projects across a number of sectors the team that has historically worked with LDA have been responsible for the proposals illustrated. With a core belief that they “design buildings for people, not other architects” Calderpeel have ensured that sensitive and appropriate design is at the heart of the proposals. Consultation with the client team, the project team, the planners, councillors, the local design panel and other stakeholders has informed the design of this project with every change being guided by these varied parties’ invaluable contribution.
Johns Associates is an environmental consultancy that brings its considerable skills as ecological consultants and landscape architects to the project. Working closely with the project team and drawing on their experience at working at the Ageas Bowl since 2007, they have ensured that at every stage the project is landscape and ecology led. Importantly, a sensitive approach to help integrate and enhance the existing landscape framework and setting of the site has been at the core of the design proposals. This, combined with the vision to ensure that the proposed landscape and ecological strategy reflects the identity and character of the area, including its sense of place and opportunities for social, economic, and environmental enrichment, has informed the overall design strategy for the project. Particular care regarding landscaping, biodiversity and arboriculture, protecting important species, specimen trees and ancient woodlands.
The team at WSP have a wealth of experience in the research, design and delivery of transport and infrastructure projects across the globe. Their local experience combine with this international exposure ideally places them to ensure that the highways design is addressed in a sensitive, dynamic and informed way. Traffic flows and parking are key to the success of the project, as is a clear site wide understanding of vehicle and pedestrian movement and hierarchy. The WSP team has ensured that these principles are at the heart of the scheme.
A hydrological assessment, supported by a flood modelling assessment and surface water drainage design, has enabled a detailed understanding of the hydrological constraints and opportunities of the site. The upstream section of Telegraph Brook, the watercourse that drains through the site from Telegraph Wood, currently flows within a culvert and with the inlet in the adjacent land area blocked. Whereas the downstream section of Telegraph Brook flows in a wooden sleeper lined channel, and flood modelling demonstrates there to be flooding from this that affects areas to the north-east of the site. The proposed development would re-align and improve Telegraph Brook, de-culverting the watercourse where possible. Sustainable drainage solutions would be incorporated into the scheme to manage the surface water runoff from the proposed development, with features that provide additional environmental and community benefits. By working closely with the landscape architects and the design team, these features have been integrated into the overall scheme and have enabled opportunities for flood and drainage constraints to be addressed creatively and sustainably.
Alderwood Consulting Limited have over 30 years’ experience of working in the field of arboriculture, alongside and within Local Planning Authorities, advising on tree related planning applications, tree preservation order applications, planning appeals and tree hazard assessment for public safety. The team undertook a detailed survey of the site that allowed for a strategy on tree preservation, removal and replacement to be prepared in order to support the proposals. The loss of any tree is regretful, and the team has worked hard to minimise this. Where it is unavoidable the team at Alderwood have advised and helped to inform design decisions throughout.
Ollio has been involved in advising the project team to plan, design, procure and validate zero carbon, healthy buildings that work as they are meant to for the benefit of their users and the planet. Details and options across the project have been carefully analysed to ensure that the project aims to deliver real sustainable proposals.

Contact Us
Please visit the fixed display and model located in the lobby of The Ageas Hilton, and send questions and comments to contact@ladal.co.uk

Briefing BBC and ITV television and radio media about the exciting proposals.