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Hebburn, South Tyneside.

LDA has instructed a full team of consultants at substantial cost. A pre-application meeting has been held with the Local Authority. The team will soon engage with the local community and other stakeholders. Local Authority ecologists have confirmed that the river cannot be accessed from the site as it is ransomed by mud flats and salt marshes.


New owners having recently acquired the site, the LDA team is delighted to have the opportunity to return the historic Hawthorn Leslie site to economic use after 15+ years of desolation, during which time the site has fallen into substantial disrepair and dilapidation.


It appears that there is no demand for previous employment generating uses on the site, and the local community is desperate to see the site redeveloped such that the clear danger presented by the anti-social behaviour currently being endured by the land owners and neighbouring community, plus dangers endured by the fire services and criminal transgressors themselves, is resolved.


The LDA team specialises in regenerating complex and heavily contaminated sites and relishes the opportunity to work in a collaborative partnership with the local community, Local Authority and other stakeholders to deliver a sustainable new residential led redevelopment of the Hawthorn Leslie site.

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