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Elstead, Surrey.

Significant consultation was undertaken with local community including Parish Council, Local Authority and other stakeholders.


Planning application WA/2015/0789 (full) for 69 houses including 21 social, a 60 bed care home and 12 acres of suitable alternative natural greenspace (SANG) was originally refused 04/12/2015 but then won on appeal 20/03/2017. An agreement for pre-sale of all social units to Clarion Housing Group was reached.


In light of the original refusal, a twin-track strategy was employed and planning application WA/2016/1261 (full) for 61 houses including 9 affordable, and 60 bed care home and 12 acres of SANG was submitted during the appeal process for the first application. This scheme also received full consent.


The fully packaged and consented scheme was successfully sold to Clarion Housing Group.

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